Wave Riders of the Ancient Way Spiritual Healing Center is a new addition to the popular travelers destination El Morro R.V. Park and Cabins (just a 1 mile East of El Morro National Monument Ramah, New Mexico).
At Wave-Riders of the Ancient Way, we offer a wide array of body/mind/ spirit therapies geared toward the re-establishment of a client's personal frequency of wellness. Individual and group sessions, workshops, retreats, Reiki attunements, and trainings in a variety of vibrational medicine techniques, as well as spiritual healing journeys through the creation of art, and other expressive venues are available.
Our Vibrational Medicine Sessions are great vehicles to shut off yakity-yak mind and calm the body/mind/spirit to allow self-healing. Our intuitive blendings of certified therapies including Reiki, Polarity Therapy, rocking/compression, as well as our own Sound Casting, and Nature Spirit Ally Work, come together to gently move and balance stuck energy and accelerate healing. RedWulf and Standing Feather each offer their own individual session work, as well as join together for a two-on-one healing experience.
Our Tarot Readings/Psychic Counseling are vehicles to reframe and reorganize one's values, recognize one's gifts, and expand one's awareness and allowance of possibilities in life. We utilize a wide variety of divinatory decks, as well as offer combined readings with power animals to help you find the reflections and metaphors and soul connections that will benefit your well being. We each offer individual counseling as well as two-on-one readings.
Our Guided Spirit Drum Journeys to meet ancestors/guides/ animal spirits offer a vehicle to transcend one's self imposed limitations, and balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain (the allowance of shamanic understanding). The opening to visionary portals through this method takes one deeper into the garden of your soul to allow you to thrive rather than just survive. One of the most visual trance techniques available for seeking healing guidance, wisdom and connection to the other worlds.
Seasonal Tinctures for health and well being from The Feather Cabinet. Seasonal garden grown and wild crafted local plants tinctured in grain alcohol are also available.
Benefits: Our healing services can be specifically helpful for: reducing stress and tension; symptomatic relief from anxiety, pain and insomnia; accelerated healing; supporting cancer patients through chemo and radiation; comforting the terminally ill as well as their caregivers; easing anxiety associated with illness and surgery; working in conjunction with psychotherapy to provide rapid personal growth and facilitating spiritual growth.
Insight and guidance are offered through many forms: from the reflections of nature inherent in your body; from the intuitive “pops” and stories that your soul reveals in sessions; from psychic counseling in relation to tarot and other divinatory forms and from your own spiritual revelations and shared experiences.
Mountain Cabin Rental available for overnight stays. Visit the Cabin page in the upper navigation.

more info @ www.waveridersoftheancientway.com
email: waveridersheal@yahoo.com - & - redwulf.dancingbare@facebook.com

“The most bestest sweetest place to get fed, loved up and sheltered. Always a happy time.”

“Lovely establishment in a remote spot. I love the El Morro for breakfast. Dinners on Fridays and Saturdays are by reservation, and a harpist entertains. This is a special place with awesome folks running it. I feel at home when I am there.”

“Fantastic food, great staff and a cozy cabin for the night! The view from the bluff is amazing.”